Aktuhelper Presesnting Top 50 Coding Questions for Placement Interviews asked by Various Service Based Companies such as TCS,TechMahindra,Coznizant,Infosys,Wipro.Refer to this coding questions,it will give you insight about Pattern of Programming Questions asked in Coding Round.
Given an array of integers where every element appears even number of times except one element which appears odd number of times, write a program to find that odd occurring element in O(log n) time. The equal elements must appear in pairs in the array but there cannot be more than two consecutive occurrences of an element. s
Show AnswerYou are given a binary number as a string (S), which is N size. Convert this binary number into its integer decimal equivalent and then print it.
Show AnswerFind Majority Element in an array which appears more than n/2 times.(n is size of array)
Show AnswerWrite a program that will find the missing characters that are needed to make the string a panagram.
Show AnswerGiven an array form a triangle such that the last row of the triangle contains all the elements of the array and the row above it will contain the sum of two elements below it.
Show AnswerGiven the price of the stock on each day find the maximum profit you can earn by selling them.
Show AnswerYou are given a matrix that contains only 0 and 1 find the maximum size of a rectangle that contains only 1.
Show AnswerGiven the coordinates of the endpoints of two rectangles find whether they overlap each other or not.
Show AnswerWrite a program to return the difference between the count of odd numbers and even numbers.
Show AnswerWrite a program to calculate and return the sum of absolute difference between the adjacent number in an array of positive integers from the position entered by the user.
Show AnswerWrite a program to find the difference between the elements at odd index and even index.
Show AnswerA Cloth merchant has some pieces of cloth of different lengths. He has an order of curtains of length of 12 feet. He has to find how many curtains can be made from these pieces. Length of pieces of cloth is recorded in feet.
Show AnswerWrite a program to calculate the total bill tax amount for a list of billing amounts passed as an array of long integers.
Show AnswerWrite a program to reverse a given string without using built-in library functions.
Show AnswerWrite a program to calculate and return the sum of absolute differences between the adjacent numbers in an array.
Show AnswerGiven an array of integers representing measurements in inches, write a program to calculate the total of measurements in feet. Ignore the measurements that are less than a foot (eg. 10).
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